Tuesday, September 25, 2012

If I was rich!

It is everybody's dream in life to accomplish SOMETHING. Mine being rich and happy. Here are a few things I would do if I had money flowing through the ceiling.

1. Buy a bunch of new iPhones and give them out at school in exchange for a hug.... unless your a creeper. Then you can just take one and save your huge.

2. Start a radio station and play the music I want with NO commercials or stupid advertisements.
Seriously... if you're a station who talks about commercial-free music then don't tell me about a kitty-litter offer two minutes later. I want to listen to my damn music, not buy kitty-litter!

3. Buy a house in every Country and let middle class and lower class people stay there for a week. Free food. Free room-service. Free EVERYTHING.

4. New car. New Laptop. New clothes. New House. New Boobs. Wait...not that last one.
okay maybe...

5. Free round of drinks at the local bar. No, make that free drinks all night. Especially for the hunky McHunkerson in the corner over there. The single one. AWWW yeah.

6. You better believe I'm going to learn every language on the planet! :p

7. Buy a concert hall, deck it out with electro lights, crystal balls, and anything that's shiny. Throw a huge rave/ dance party once a year and call it "AmberLights" . Hell yes.

8. Chocolate pie. Oh gawd so much chocolate pie.

9. My parents get everything and anything they want.

10. Buy a house isolated from the rest of the world. Near a crystal clean beach. Retire. Just me my husband and my six horses. Drink a cup of Red Rose tea every morning and every night. Read a book . Write a book. 

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