Friday, September 28, 2012

Hiding behind my words!

I love to hide behind my words! It's something that makes my mind work less and the readers mind more. I guess the words come less from my mind and more from my heart.
((By hiding behind my words I DO NOT MEAN LYING. I mean giving the mic to my heart and letting it imitate Shakespeare.... happy?))

Can you guess what I mean in each line?

A nail that is a light color, matching the shirts of liers

A rope restrains her but surely does not tie her

With a pebble beneath her hand and a spot on her chin

She wishes she could lie but knows it is a sin

Perhaps the story is told with her pen and paper

but the words of her characters mold and shape her

A fear for development hiding since she was programmed

but her story is true and written with in free hand,

and although every breath shes takes is hers to bless

she wonders how many it will take until her black dress

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