Friday, September 28, 2012

Hiding behind my words!

I love to hide behind my words! It's something that makes my mind work less and the readers mind more. I guess the words come less from my mind and more from my heart.
((By hiding behind my words I DO NOT MEAN LYING. I mean giving the mic to my heart and letting it imitate Shakespeare.... happy?))

Can you guess what I mean in each line?

A nail that is a light color, matching the shirts of liers

A rope restrains her but surely does not tie her

With a pebble beneath her hand and a spot on her chin

She wishes she could lie but knows it is a sin

Perhaps the story is told with her pen and paper

but the words of her characters mold and shape her

A fear for development hiding since she was programmed

but her story is true and written with in free hand,

and although every breath shes takes is hers to bless

she wonders how many it will take until her black dress

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

If I was rich!

It is everybody's dream in life to accomplish SOMETHING. Mine being rich and happy. Here are a few things I would do if I had money flowing through the ceiling.

1. Buy a bunch of new iPhones and give them out at school in exchange for a hug.... unless your a creeper. Then you can just take one and save your huge.

2. Start a radio station and play the music I want with NO commercials or stupid advertisements.
Seriously... if you're a station who talks about commercial-free music then don't tell me about a kitty-litter offer two minutes later. I want to listen to my damn music, not buy kitty-litter!

3. Buy a house in every Country and let middle class and lower class people stay there for a week. Free food. Free room-service. Free EVERYTHING.

4. New car. New Laptop. New clothes. New House. New Boobs. Wait...not that last one.
okay maybe...

5. Free round of drinks at the local bar. No, make that free drinks all night. Especially for the hunky McHunkerson in the corner over there. The single one. AWWW yeah.

6. You better believe I'm going to learn every language on the planet! :p

7. Buy a concert hall, deck it out with electro lights, crystal balls, and anything that's shiny. Throw a huge rave/ dance party once a year and call it "AmberLights" . Hell yes.

8. Chocolate pie. Oh gawd so much chocolate pie.

9. My parents get everything and anything they want.

10. Buy a house isolated from the rest of the world. Near a crystal clean beach. Retire. Just me my husband and my six horses. Drink a cup of Red Rose tea every morning and every night. Read a book . Write a book. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Because that's how you get pregnant.

Keeping a journal is one of the best things some people can do to keep themselves just a little more sane.
I, myself, have always kept a journal. I've been writing a journal since my first crush on little Dustin from daycare. But reading the entries from years passed leaves me with hours of entertainment! I have five FULL journals and some of the things I've written really leaves me in a state of nonstop laughing, so I thought I would share some of the quotes with you.

***A lot of the quotes have been spell checked.

Grade 2.

"Saw some big kids holding hands today. I would hold hands with *******, but I don't want to get pregnant. Mom wouldn't like me anymore."

"I picked off my scratch today. I was bleeding all over. Mom told me a water fall would get jealous. I didn't know water could get jealous so I'm never drinking iced tea again."

"Today we wrote to the military men from over the seas. I didn't know the guy who would get it so I sent it to Mr.Joe because my mom said Joe is a common name and Mrs.Leah said to write nicely and Mr is nice. I told him I would help him but I don't like the sea because sharks live there."

"We got to make robots! I was so excited! I wanted to name him Mr.Boopy but ***** said that was stupid so I told her she wasn't invited to my party even when I was 100 years old. She said she didn't care. But I invited her anyways because I like lots of presents."

Grade 3

"I got the coolest writing pads from Santa's workskop but my teacher took them away. I was so angry I almost put staples in her mug! But I needed them for my paper to stay together so next time I'll win."

Grade 6
"Today I told ****** about my crush. She told **** and then the whole school found out! ***** put all of these love notes in his desk and blamed it on me. He told the teacher and the teacher asked for me. She said I had to stand at the fence for recess because I was touching other peoples stuff. I didn't tell the teacher it was really ***** who wrote the note because I love my friend. If I didn't love her I would really hate her."

Grade 7.

"I hate high school. All of the guys are really hairy and talk funny."

"Today ****** told me my face looked like big foot stepped on it. Everybody laughed at me and I was humiliated so I ran out of the class room and into the bathroom. When I was crying I took a huge inhale and almost choked on my gum. If I died in that stall from choking on a piece of gum crying over what **** said I would have came back as big foot and stomped all over her face."

PFT....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! C'mon! That is to funny!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


That's how you say it in French, you know?

I lied. I have no idea how to say lovepops in French, and have no intentions on figuring it out either.

     It's getting gradually closer to Valentines day, and OFHS is having the annual "love pop" sale.
One of my friends asked me if I was going to buy some this year, but I'm still on the rocks about it, just because of Elementary. Sitting in my chair and praying that maybe "this" year I would get one. I wouldn't.
As a matter of fact the first love pop I got wasn't until 6th grade. Three years later I had a sudden burst of them sent to me, and now I'm left with complete anticipation to see if I'll even get one this year.

As a matter of fact, I actually still have my lovepop heart papers from all of the people who sent them to me last year on my wall! There are so many pictures I just completely over looked them.

Gimmie some love popuhs?
Amber A.
Room 317

P.s. The  picture above was found off of google and belongs to the rightful owner. I edited it in windows7 paint. No copyright infringements intended.