Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I'm weird. I mean, it's not like I hide it or anything, and I'm sure most people who have meet me in real life have picked it up by now.

When I don't listen to Korean music I'm pretending to compose Mozart in my room while flipping the lights on and off.

I bit the inside of my lip to the point of bleeding, and I read the Odyssey when I was fifteen.

I dance in the car even if I risk breaking my arm while trying to fist pump, and I sing so loud even MY ears hurt.

Men who have good hand-writing and actually know how to type on the computer are so much more appealing to me.

I can judge someone( most of the time accuratley) within an hour of talking to them. (This is something my mom finds the weirdest).

I can't do any type of Math equations. I actually still have problems with even comprehending my times tables even though I can probably tell you everything about 1800's writers, Korean pronunciation, and astrology.

I've been reading comic books since I was twelve.

I was the schools mascot for a year and did stand-up for the past two years for run.

My friend and I watch "My little pony" in our free time.

I have really bad vision when it comes to anything that is more than three feet away from my face.

Thoose big glasses I wear come in handy.

I'm guilty of singing Justin Bieber.

My laugh is so damn loud, and every thinks it's hilarious.

Today is a day to look at all of thoose cute little flaws you have, and laugh about them.
If you do any of the following above, your pretty cool (on my terms).

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