Sunday, February 19, 2012

Because that's how you get pregnant.

Keeping a journal is one of the best things some people can do to keep themselves just a little more sane.
I, myself, have always kept a journal. I've been writing a journal since my first crush on little Dustin from daycare. But reading the entries from years passed leaves me with hours of entertainment! I have five FULL journals and some of the things I've written really leaves me in a state of nonstop laughing, so I thought I would share some of the quotes with you.

***A lot of the quotes have been spell checked.

Grade 2.

"Saw some big kids holding hands today. I would hold hands with *******, but I don't want to get pregnant. Mom wouldn't like me anymore."

"I picked off my scratch today. I was bleeding all over. Mom told me a water fall would get jealous. I didn't know water could get jealous so I'm never drinking iced tea again."

"Today we wrote to the military men from over the seas. I didn't know the guy who would get it so I sent it to Mr.Joe because my mom said Joe is a common name and Mrs.Leah said to write nicely and Mr is nice. I told him I would help him but I don't like the sea because sharks live there."

"We got to make robots! I was so excited! I wanted to name him Mr.Boopy but ***** said that was stupid so I told her she wasn't invited to my party even when I was 100 years old. She said she didn't care. But I invited her anyways because I like lots of presents."

Grade 3

"I got the coolest writing pads from Santa's workskop but my teacher took them away. I was so angry I almost put staples in her mug! But I needed them for my paper to stay together so next time I'll win."

Grade 6
"Today I told ****** about my crush. She told **** and then the whole school found out! ***** put all of these love notes in his desk and blamed it on me. He told the teacher and the teacher asked for me. She said I had to stand at the fence for recess because I was touching other peoples stuff. I didn't tell the teacher it was really ***** who wrote the note because I love my friend. If I didn't love her I would really hate her."

Grade 7.

"I hate high school. All of the guys are really hairy and talk funny."

"Today ****** told me my face looked like big foot stepped on it. Everybody laughed at me and I was humiliated so I ran out of the class room and into the bathroom. When I was crying I took a huge inhale and almost choked on my gum. If I died in that stall from choking on a piece of gum crying over what **** said I would have came back as big foot and stomped all over her face."

PFT....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! C'mon! That is to funny!